(Photo courtesy of NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project)
We are so delighted to be able to invite the Columbia University LGBTQ+ community (21+) of alumni, students, staff, faculty, and friends to this celebration which holds special significance to so many. We thank the Columbia Alumni Association and the Earl Hall staff for their support in helping us bring this event back during this year's Columbia Undergrad Homecoming.
Courtesy of the National Park Service:
"Beginning in 1970, the Homophile League’s successor organization, Gay People at Columbia (also known as Gay People at Columbia-Barnard), which also had offices at Earl Hall, began holding regularly scheduled monthly gay dances in the Earl Hall auditorium. These dances grew into one of the most important gay social events in New York and eventually attracted large numbers of LGBT people from all over the city. By the 1980s, these dances, the first at an American university, drew attendance of over 1,000 and had evolved into one of the most important LGBT social events in New York City, an event that was especially popular with younger men and with men who felt uncomfortable in gay bars and clubs."